Thursday, August 16, 2018

SUMMER 2018 - my attempt to summarize the whole summer in photos!

Did my kids shrink?  Oh wait, those cards are huge. 
Calvin got to march in My Waterloo Days parade with Cedar Valley Gymnastics

Me and TC!

Sandbox adventures with friends!

Chloe and Vanessa - mermaids in the sand

Eli's chalk rocket

Dave's thumb repair from an accident using a screen cutting tool

6 stitches....eek

It is always exciting when the lilies begin to bloom around the yard!

Swimming lessons at UNI

Violet found the water barrel downtown Cedar Falls that she and Mama Row painted together!

Rachel treated me to a hair salon cut/color for my birthday!

Dave and I learned the art of grilling pizza this summer

ice cream with Katie Costello - visiting from Brazil a few weeks over the summer

huge bubbles at Rachel's work picnic

The kids and Gabe getting a lift on the way to the Smith pond

This is at "The Falls" Aquatic center in Cedar Falls.  We got summer passes this year for the first time and have gone there a lot this summer!  Eli took the swim test and went off the diving boards on his own (even tried a scary flip off the high dive, which I told him to not do again!).

Hardingers celebrated Daddy Jon's 65th Birthday at Hick's Place.  We tried our skill at the bow and arrow.

even Mama Row got a few nice shots!

some fish were caught, too.  I think Eli got the only one.

Daddy Jon had to properly celebrate with a banana split!  Atta boy!

Before the older 3 kids went to Willowbrook Camp, we took a vacation day and spent the day at Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines.  Really neat zoo - kids LOVED it.

Vanessa and her friend Hannah Beth at summer camp for the first time!

Violet and her friend Hannah Walvatne

Calvin and his buddies.  L to R: Calvin, Cade Gartin, Peter Costello, Corbin Elmore

later on Aunt Lucy came for a visit and we had breakfast together at Mama Row's - here's a group shot from that

Each year the Costellos come back to IA for a few weeks, we try make it to George Wyth beach once.  Here is myself with Vanessa and Kim Costello.

first part of the garden crop that was planted at Mama Row's garden spot at Western Home - kale, snap peas, cucumbers, jalapeños, and tomatoes.

After an afternoon storm, a gorgeous rainbow appeared in the sky for only moments!  It was gone in the blink of an eye.  I'm glad I snapped this pic of it.  I love it.

Calvin, Eli, and Theo

Violet, Vanessa and Stella

Violet maximizing her swing!

girls at the chapel huddling and swaying to the music

Eli lost his first tooth on July 25, 2018

Dave's dad Ted and his wife Cindy (and their little dog Daisy) came to visit us the week of July 31 - Aug 3, 2018.  The kids obviously loved the dog and gave her plenty of attention! 

here we all are packed in the car going somewhere

grandpa Ted with the grandies!

Cindy and Daisy

During Ted and Cindy's visit the Smith family let us visit their pond and fish/swim for awhile. We cleaned the 15 bluegill we caught and had them for lunch fried up the next day.  

they like to celebrate all the kid's birthdays with cake/ice cream!

This is 8/11/18 - Levi and Elizabeth Smith's wedding.  This is Calvin and Vada riding horses at the outdoor barn wedding reception.

The Smith barn was cleared out of its tractors and equipment and transformed into a beautiful wedding reception location!

and finally - Grandma Dee made a short visit to our house, and this is Vanessa giving her a back rub with the massaging tool.

WHEW!  That covers the highlights!  Next week is Violet's first day at Peet Jr High school, I have a knee arthroscopy to determine the cause of my left knee pain on Aug 21, and homeschool for the rest will start up when I'm recovered.
Dave is still pursuing the Internet Service Provider business called Big Gig Iowa and possible contract interim work with Mobotrex.


  1. Excellent capture of highlights - it all goes by so FAST!

  2. Thanks for posting these historical and "active life" events. Wonderful how your memories are documented and thankful to be part of it. DAD
