Sunday, June 03, 2018

Vanessa got baptized

As I was explaining to Vanessa and Eli how their birthdays were going to work this year, I was telling them about "the day in the middle" of their birthdays, how we were going to go to Bethany and it would be a special day because they were having a baptism.  Vanessa perked up and said "I want to get baptized!!!" She had a desire to this for some time now and we hadn't remembered.  She wrote up her testimony over the next couple days and Dennis and Becky Anderson came over on Friday evening to chat with her about it.  She was so confident with her testimony and really had a strong desire to do it.
This is what she wrote: 
"Hello, my name is Vanessa. My birthday was yesterday, and I turned eight! When I was five my Dad was reading the kids a Bible story at night and shared the gospel with us. I understood I was a sinner, I had to get saved.  So I decided to ask Jesus to save me because He is the only One who can. I was so excited I wanted all my brothers and sisters to get saved too. These are the verses that helped me get saved: John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he gave his ONLY begotten Son, that whoever BELIEVES in HIM should NOT perish but have EVERLASTING life. 1 john 4:14 and we have seen and testify that the father has sent as Savior of the world. Getting saved is important so you don’t go to hell when you die. Listen to these two verses.    
The reason I am getting baptised is: because I want to show everyone that I am saved, that I want to live my life for Jesus Christ and that I believe in Him. "

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