Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Semisaurus Mobile Creation Museum

The christian school Valley Lutheran a mile from our house brought in this SemiSaurus Mobile Creation Museum - it was in a semi truck and was a traveling museum that showed how God created the world, proof of the flood, and information that is untrue regarding what scientists say about evolution.  It was super cool!!!

fossilized insects - they used to be so much bigger!

rapid burial indicates global flood

alligators and crocodiles don't stop growing.  Showing how dinosaurs got so big.

an old roman sword dating to the time Jesus was crucified - chis could have been like the one that pierced His side.

"Lucy" doesn't support anything about man evolving from monkeys...she was pieced together by bones found miles away from each other and someone put human feet on her.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting
    We are learning about creation
    and also the NEW creation, which is not up for scientific debate
