Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Eli's last day of preK!

A "last first" for us...our youngest's graduation from preschool.  The biggest change from last year to this year was Eli's willingness and excitement over singing in the program!!  He sang loud and did all the hand motions and was very proud of it.  

last ride to preK

walking in with Mrs. Parrino for the last time

Eli signed a thank you card for his teacher, Mrs. Nies.

Mrs. Nies and Mrs. Parrino with Eli

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Dave started building the treehouse!

Tree Attachment Bolts went in on May 20, 2017

Violet and Calvin stayed up late to help Dave screw in the deck boards on May 29, 2017

Sunday, May 14, 2017

planting tomatoes with Mama Row

Mama Row's neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Karkoff are allowing us to use a small space in their garden to plant 4 tomato plants.  

this area near the planting site is full of rocks and they have names for a lot of the little ones.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Violet - 5th grade end of year Patriotic program

Mrs. Graves did a great job with the 5-6th grade band this year!  They sounded great and Violet learned a lot and had a lot of fun.

Saturday, May 06, 2017

Stella turns 5! We went to CR to party with Jay, Stella, and Theo

picnic outside at a park

Mama Row made a chocolate cake

there was tree climbing, of course!

and games with Gma Jo!

and making some ceramic wind chimes.  Theo said "this is so much fun!"

Thursday, May 04, 2017

Eli learned to ride a 2-wheel bike!

This was the year he gained enough confidence and determination to learn this on his own!  Daddy helped him and he kept saying "let GO dad!" 

I can't believe this pic...ALL FOUR KIDS ON WHEELS

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Semisaurus Mobile Creation Museum

The christian school Valley Lutheran a mile from our house brought in this SemiSaurus Mobile Creation Museum - it was in a semi truck and was a traveling museum that showed how God created the world, proof of the flood, and information that is untrue regarding what scientists say about evolution.  It was super cool!!!

fossilized insects - they used to be so much bigger!

rapid burial indicates global flood

alligators and crocodiles don't stop growing.  Showing how dinosaurs got so big.

an old roman sword dating to the time Jesus was crucified - chis could have been like the one that pierced His side.

"Lucy" doesn't support anything about man evolving from monkeys...she was pieced together by bones found miles away from each other and someone put human feet on her.