Saturday, March 18, 2017

"All about Eli" post

There have been so many things lately worthy of posting that involved Eli - I just had to title it "All About Eli" lately.
his self-drawing with the flash mask on

"Look Mom! I'm a LOM-ster!"

He took off running with an idea I had with helping him see progress when eating bites.  I grabbed him and sat him on my lap and numbered 1-6 on a piece of scratch paper to help him take 6 bites, and I crossed off each number with each bite he took.  He wanted to do it himself and for the next several meals, he would number a piece of paper as far as he could write/count and scratched off the bites.  

His little lego "choo choo".

"Mom, how do you spell 'Eli loves mom' - then you write 'Mom loves Eli' " - melt my heart little man!

"the Flash batman"

Eli and his buddy Chloe

helping mommy make coffee!

in a box!


  1. Do I like an Eli with a mask?
    Do I like an Eli with a task?
    Do I like an Eli in a box,
    Making love notes and arranging Lego blocks?
    Yes I like him curls and all,
    Will just as much when he’s not so small!
    Grandma Jo
