Friday, March 31, 2017

A week in the life of March 2017

Eli came with me to get milk from Hansen's and I got him an ice cream treat.  He got home and hid behind the laundry room door so nobody else would discover that he'd been treated. :)

"I can get the gummies, mom!"

Violet's catapult - an activity to do while studying ancient warfare.

I do believe this was the never-ending game of Monopoly that took many days to finish.  

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Spring Break 2017

We took a much needed full week off from school work to match up with the local schools around here.  We tried to do and plan things that we aren't as free to do while school is in session.  Calvin had a playdate at a friend's house (Corbin) Thursday.

The Hemmers and LaMarches hung out Sunday night and the kids played/watched Finding Dory and the adults played games

slept 2 nights in the basement

AirFX on Friday

Gotta brag on Calvin - for being thoughtful and diligent!

Vanessa and Eli shared the same sickness for about a week and Vanessa spent a lot of one day sleeping on the couch.  She snuggled up with Calvin's new blue fuzzy blanket he received for Christmas - and he was really wanting his blanket back and wanting to get Vanessa her OWN pink fuzzy blanket.  He asked me "Mom, how much is one of those blankets?"  I did not know so we looked one up on Amazon.  We discovered one she would love (fuzzy, soft pink, 50"x60") was 11.98.  He asked dad how he could earn $12 so he could buy her one!!

Dave came up with a list of household chores that were worth a certain amount of money each.  Vacuuming, cleaning, mopping, etc...and Calvin set right to work and got the tasks done in the matter of 3 days time.  We were so proud of him!

When the blanket arrived, after we'd given him his earned $12 and he paid us back (plus 2 pennies), he wrapped it up and gave it to her.  She was so sweet and thankful.

"All about Eli" post

There have been so many things lately worthy of posting that involved Eli - I just had to title it "All About Eli" lately.
his self-drawing with the flash mask on

"Look Mom! I'm a LOM-ster!"

He took off running with an idea I had with helping him see progress when eating bites.  I grabbed him and sat him on my lap and numbered 1-6 on a piece of scratch paper to help him take 6 bites, and I crossed off each number with each bite he took.  He wanted to do it himself and for the next several meals, he would number a piece of paper as far as he could write/count and scratched off the bites.  

His little lego "choo choo".

"Mom, how do you spell 'Eli loves mom' - then you write 'Mom loves Eli' " - melt my heart little man!

"the Flash batman"

Eli and his buddy Chloe

helping mommy make coffee!

in a box!