Wednesday, November 02, 2016

End of Oct / Beginning of November 2016

Blogging with photos again!

I love this day in the week when Calvin gets to define 3 words from the history reading. He learned what a cutworm is and how it destroys a plant by cutting it off near the root of the plant.  This was in the part of history when he learned about Eliza Lucas growing the indigo plant in colonial times and her struggle growing them.  He illustrated it with a photo of the plant saying "noo!" and the cutworm saying "mm...looks good".  I love his creativity.

Violet became quite attached to this lime.  She named it Bob.

fall colors!

Violet's first band performance!  

Calvin claims he reads better upside down.

Violet practicing away...

just a cute lil' punkin' on a rock

I can do it myself, mom!

He cut lots of strips of paper and wrote "Eli" all over all of them and colored Olaf black.

Calvin's astronaut helmet made from magnatiles.  This broke so many times while he tried putting it on it almost wasn't worth taking a picture of.  He claimed his ears stuck out too far so he actually put a rubber band over his ears to tuck them back.

Saying goodbye to Mama Row before she left for AZ.

While showing Violet some stitches on a sweater she made, Calvin put it on and immediately loved how cozy it was, so she let him keep it for the winter.

Daddy and Vanessa went on a date!  She dressed up all pretty and she chose Dad's outfit - the two of them went to Montage where they let her make her own pizza - and they ended the night at Coldstone with ice cream.

Calvin's model "to scale" the size of the huuuge sun compared to the little planets.  The red and white circles on the right of the pic are Saturn and Jupiter - the smaller circles are Mars, Neptune, and Uranus and the tinier ones barely visible are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

since the legos got put away temporarily, the Magnatiles have taken over and this became a little theater stage for the Beanie Boos.

basement stair carpet is in!

Japanese Ferns - basement bathroom color!

a little folding activity Vanessa loved 

in front of the Hearst Center for the Arts on the last day of art classes

Violet's "show-stopping" performance!

carvings mom did with kids - "the Flash", a puppy, Batman, and of course, a mermaid.  

a lazy cowboy, "Mr Yellow", the Flash, Batman, a fairy, and Cleopatra

"candy grins"

another one of Calvin's hilariously creative drawings.  He illustrated "molasses".  The person pouring the molasses starts out happy, then gets bored waiting for the molasses to pour out as the clock time passes, the face gets sadder.  

some random cute boy snuggles.  I love Calvin's grin.

this is so cute and funny.  The hinges on all the doors have two triangular magnatiles on them.  Eli is discovering everything metal that they can stick to.  

He even set up a triangular structure between the metal legs of the stools in the kitchen!  I love this!

He was pretty proud of himself.  

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