Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Guess where we went today? To our favorite orthodontist, of course!

Violet and Calvin had orthodontist appointments today (Violet - recall check, Calvin - first check)!

I got to meet Rachel's employees Nicole and Jordan today.  Rachel did a full x-ray on Calvin, and checked Violet's teeth.  

Violet has a crossbite and Rachel predicts she will need an expander to push the teeth wider before treatment begins, but we're still waiting for more adult teeth to come in before treating anything.  Violet needs to brush/floss her lower teeth better.

Calvin's full Xray revealed all teeth are present (none missing) and that some adult teeth are ready to come in but the baby teeth still have full strong roots and won't be falling out by the adult teeth pushing them out of the way (which means they're probably behind the baby teeth, not "in line" with them).  So Rachel explained how 3 of the baby teeth need help coming out so the adult teeth can avoid eruption problems.  Daddio, we'll be calling you to schedule!  :)

Michelle invited Vanessa to color with her behind the front desk so Vanessa happily colored the hour away.  Michelle kindly printed her some pictures from the computer and Vanessa stapled the three pages together and gave me a book she made with those coloring pages.

Of course, we came home with funny gloves and they turned into weapons, balloons, and crazy silly toys.  When the got filled with water, mommy tossed them. :)