Monday, July 28, 2014

"Hey don't bonk dad!"

Eli has been forming longer sentences lately and the more recent one we clearly heard was this morning.  Eli was alone in the pool (I was watching him) and Dave smacked the outside of the blow-up pool with his foot to make waves and Eli said, "Hey don't bonk dad!" as clear as day.  Based on our reactions that made Eli crack up and start laughing.  He's so funny.

His more recently clear words are:

- truck
- shirt
- all done
- bite! (when he wants someone else's food)
- g'night!
- ready set go!
- poop
- train

I'm sure there's more.  He uses these all frequently.


  1. Thanks for writing an insightful post
    no high chair!

  2. Yes I just got to hear ga'night clear as a bell the other night I out him down!
