Thursday, June 05, 2014

Eli's 2nd birthday party

I am a month and a half behind writing about stuff, agh!!  (publishing date set for June 5, his actual birthday is June 4.  I wrote this on 7-17)  Eli didn't really know we were celebrating his birthday, but we did anyway.  I'm so glad for pictures.  I can't really trust my memory anymore.  So it's written down and I don't have to remember.  Dad, thanks for making me take typing lessons from Mavis Beacon.  I can type about as fast as I can think.
Rachel and Mama Row came over.  I fixed up a yummy dinner (I got ambitious and made four from scratch Chicago-style pizzas, and Mama Row brought over a salad).  The evening started a little sour because Eli was really tired and probably didn't nape all that well on the day we celebrated.  When we sat down to eat he was crying and rubbing his eyes.  Rachel was also there.

As you can see he wasn't in the mood to have his picture taken.  Violet even felt bad for him and gave him a much wanted hug.  She's such a sweetie. 
 I don't think Eli ate much pizza, but when he saw the german chocolate cake Mama Row made for him with a #2 candle, he perked right up.  "Happy to you!" he says.

 Yup, he dug right in.

 Opening up presents was a fun experience for him.  Of course, all the kids are interested in the toys.  Eli got airplane books, toys, clothes, and a little play Percy train that he really loved.

 This is a scream of delight when the little train went on its own and made noises.
 happy boy.  :) 

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