Monday, March 31, 2014

Mommy & Violet date (Becks, lemon drops, and mini golfing)

I took Violet out just the two of us on Monday night this week.  She was very excited to go with me, and really wanted to find a place to get her favorite mac and cheese.  She said she remembers the perfect place but wasn't sure what it was called, but she described it as the place with lots of curvy and colorful staircases.  My mind went to Becks, and when we pulled up in the parking lot, she confirmed it was the right one.

We got a table right away and we ordered.  She wanted to sit on the same side of the booth bench with me. :) She got macaroni and cheese with a side order of cottage cheese.  I'd say she got her fill of dairy for the day.  I ordered chicken tortilla soup and a chicken southwest salad.  We played the activity sheet while we waited and completed the word find and the dot to dot box game.  I don't remember everything we talked about but words were flowing easily.  She was overall very happy and excited to be with me.  She said, "I love you so much that I love you to the moon, to the planets, back to earth, then to the sun, then to the earth, then back to the planets, (and she went on and on)...."  It was so sweet.
At one point during dinner I squeezed my lemon wedge into my iced tea.  I could smell the fresh lemon scent and smelled my fingers - she wanted to smell too.  I asked her if she's ever had a lemon drop, because there was a candy that tasted exactly like that smelled.  We made it our mission next to find some lemon drops.  :)

I proposed going to the indoor mini golf place in the Crossroads mall.  She looooved that idea!  On our way I saw a CVS, so I parked, we walked in, and with in 2 seconds were upon bagged candy.  I found some lemon drops, and she agreed they tasted exactly how that lemon smelled in the restaurant.  We got to the mall and got our clubs/balls for the mini golf course - it was a blacklight golf course and everything white lit up brightly!  She found that quite entertaining.  She and I golfed poorly, haha.  At the end of our 18 little holes I scored 61 and she scored 62.  Average was 4-5 strokes per hole.  There was nobody else in the golf course so we took our time going through each one.  Hole 7 was our favorite.  She took one look at the course and said, "Oh, this one looks super easy."  I said, "Maybe you'll get a hole-in-one!"  She looked doubtful, but after hitting the ball once straight towards the hole, it sunk right in.  She opened her mouth in amazement and couldn't believe it.  I did the same!  She said, "Ok, mom, you have to do it too!" I was like, "Uhhh, that's doubtful I'll get one too."  But I lined up my shot and sunk my ball right in the hole with one hit.  So funny and fun at the same time!  We got a good laugh out of that one.

By the end of our game it was 8:45 so it was definitely time to get home.  She wanted to stay out and get dessert, but instead I said she could have a piece of the ice cream dessert in our freezer.  

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