Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Eli - 15 month well baby check up (at 16 months)

Took Eli in for his doctor check up today.  I completely forgot he needed a check at 15 months for measurements, vaccinations, etc.  So I got in a month late. 


26 lbs 14 oz (75th percentile)
32 1/2" tall (75th percentile)
19 1/4 cm head circumference (90th percentile)

Eli, we've always known you had a big head. :)

I took him alone since Violet and Calvin were both at school and Vanessa was in preschool.  It felt odd to be the only one pushing the stroller and pushing all the handicap door opening and elevator buttons.  Those things are always decided on if I go in with all the kids for someone's appointment so there is no fighting.

We arrived early for his 9:45 appointment time.  I dropped Vanessa off at preschool at 9:00 am so I took the liberty to fill my mug with Starbuck's coffee on the way and sip it on the 20 minute drive to the doctor.  thanks mom for the SBux gift card!  Made it to his appointment around 9:25 so he got plenty of time to run around the play area.  He loved going in and out of the little play house, down the hallway, and smacked his hands on the concave mirror on the wall.  When the nurse came back to call us she found Eli in the hall by the waiting area and had opened the control door for an air conditioner unit she never knew existed.  She thought that was pretty funny.

He got weighed on the scale, measured, then came to the exam room with me.  He was constantly walking and getting into something.  He wanted up on a chair, across the little side table, on my lap, back down, and the circle continued.  The only time he did sit still was for the doctor to listen to his heart and check his ears.  He seemed pretty interested in all of that.  He was reported to be very healthy.  I opted for tylenol for him before he got 3 shots and got over those pretty quick.  He was so happy sucking his paci and had his blankets before the pokes.  Screamed pretty hard, then when I picked him up went right back to sucking. 

I was pretty close to Rachel's place so I stopped over to see her for about 45 minutes before I needed to go get Vanessa.  She let me borrow a few dresses to try on for a wedding I am going to in November.

pics to come, I'll transfer them later.


  1. Thanks for writing!

  2. It can certainly be challenging and at times cause trouble, but kids are compelled by curiosity to discover their world...which is a good and necessary thing...but you don't want a Curious George on your hands! Their little brains must be constantly on overload. Picture that same inquisitiveness twenty years from now.
