Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Eli - 6 months old

My little baby is not a little baby! :) I find out tomorrow his weight/height stats, but I'm going to guess this:

20ish lbs
29" long


20 lbs exactly
28 1/2 inches long

Will update tomorrow when he goes to his 6 month check at the pediatrician.

He is changing a lot, and the biggest thing I notice is his personality.  His face lights up with delight when he sees me, and he squeals with delight most of the time.  He gives the same reactions to daddy, Violet, and Calvin.  Sometimes Vanessa.  Vanessa gets in his face and bothers him so I don't know if he gets annoyed with her more than he is happy with her.  She tends to take the paci out of his mouth and give it back, which makes him mad.  Violet and Calvin know how to make him laugh though, but surprising him, playing peekaboo, or gently tickling him.  They still enjoy helping me with him - holding him and moving him from place to place, although since he's so heavy, that is much harder for them.  This morning Violet got him buckled into his car seat all by herself, she did an excellent job.  Love having a big helper!

Eli started taking the larger pacifier which he finds easier to suck on and keep in his mouth.  He still loves his snuggling blankets (swaddle muslin blankets).  He is still 100% breastfed and I know I can start introducing cereals/foods to him, but nothing in me wants to start.  It makes for more messy work and it makes his diapers messier.  And since he doesn't exactly seem starving (my little hefty chunk) I will probably wait another month or so to start foods.  It will be nice when I can put him in the high chair with some cheerios to keep him occupied for awhile.  He also is very spitty.  He will throw up milk many times throughout the day, I end up smelling like spit up.

He does take a bottle, and can hold it himself and suck from it.  I have not given it to him though, this is a report from daddy and Calvin when they fed him while I was away from the house for a couple hours last weekend.

Eli is happy to play on the floor surrounded with toys.  He can use his elbows/forearms to drag himself short distances, and he easily rolls both directions.  He'll gnaw and chew on everything, his favorite seems to be cardboard.  He also likes (tolerates) the jumperoo toy for a few minutes at a time too.

He can't sit on his own yet, but he can sort of hold the sitting position for a second or two before toppling over to one side or the other.  I haven't really tried to help him either.  I suppose he'll get there soon.
He's still riding in his infant carrier car seat.  I am bummed he won't make it through the winter in it, since it provides a warm place to transport him in the winter months.  His seat only is rated to hold a child up to 22 lbs.  

Google just informed me that I have filled my quota space for uploading photos. :( Boo!



  1. Thank you for the Eli report. We all love his happy face!
    So what does that mean about the picture limit?
    We will all miss your pictures...do you have to remove some first?

    Be kind.

  2. I do not know mom, either I pay for storage or move to a different blog server.

  3. BTW Joanne and I are using Google Chrome and it helps us have two users both signed in and it shows a little icon. This will help in her smart phone things. Also for an unknown reason when she tries to log into your blog, it is still denied. I notice that your blog has a blue design G Blogger:Maria G symbol and our blogs are orange red Jon Hardinger Notes G.
    Also not sure that the purchase of space is a big charge anyway. I ran into that uploading Joanne's photos of Germany.I did not add more, but I doubt it is more than $10 per year.

  4. One more thing, upload less pixels in the future.

  5. I really enjoyed hearing of Eli's latest happenings. I feel like I barely know him so it means a lot to me when you talk about it. Boo is right on maxing storage. I hope you can resolve it easily. I need pics!!!
