Saturday, October 15, 2011

Vanessa loves brushing her teeth

Tonight as I was getting Vanessa ready for bed, she got SOO excited to brush her teeth.  I always get her brush ready, sit on the floor, and wait for her to come over, she knows exactly what to do by laying down and opening her mouth.  Well, tonight, I did that same thing, got her toothbrush ready, and showed her so she'd run over.  She RAN over to me squealing and screaming, paused by my feet, spun a quick 180, and threw her body straight back against me.  Like falling straight back, stiff body, from standing to laying down immediately.  She did it so fast I couldn't even stop her.  If the top of my leg hadn't broken her fall she could have easily knocked the wind out of her.  Dave watched the whole thing and we laughed and laughed....such a goofy girl.


  1. Cute story! I especially like it. I have 10 and 13 yr olds who could learn a thing or two from nesse!

  2. You know, I did brush her teeth a long time on the kitchen table, and she loved it. Joanne asked me why I took so long. Well, she just loved it.
