Friday, January 11, 2008

Calvin David LaMarche was born 12-28-07!

My blog to my friends/family - c/p'ed here so I could record it: Written on 12/28/07: Right now I'm sittin' in the hospital bed. I am incredibly tired - and very drugged. I feel like at any moment my head could fall over and I'd be drooling dead asleep. Ok...first of all....I'm so thankful for this c-section. This baby would NOT have fit if I did end up going into labor and attempting a VBAC. The midwife and doctors both said they're glad I didn't have to find out what would have happened. (9 lbs 13.6 oz). Calvin was not quite as big as Violet, but his head measured around even bigger than hers did at birth. Wowza! So we woke up this morning at 4 am. I didn't sleep much.....maybe 2 hours of good sleep, the rest I attempted was pretty much tossing and turning. We got to our room, I got the IV and catheter put in, and then just waited. When the time came, I walked down to the surgery room and they got my spinal put in. The anesthesiologist did a GREAT job. I felt a couple minor pinches than was completely warm and numb. They did the incision at 7:33 and got Calvin out by 7:44 am. I was out of the surgery room around 8:30. I nursed him as soon as he got to the room. He opened up wide and latched on like a pro. He nursed for a good 15 minutes and switched sides, and nursed for 15 min on the other side. What a great start!!! He's SO cute!! He looks so much like Violet when she was a newborn. So today, I've been resting a lot. I walked up and down the hall for about 10 minutes already. Lots of pressure and pain at the incision site as I expected. My sister brought Violet to see us after she ate breakfast. She did SOOOOO good!! She immediately said "baby! baby! baby!" when she first saw Calvin. She got to "hold" him and she kissed him, pointing out his eyes, his lips, his hat, etc. We were both enamored to tears.

1 comment:

  1. I was just re read this blog.
    It certainly was a memorable time and what a great story to to tell Calvin when he grows up.
    Love You
