Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I never find time to sit down anymore!

17 months old now. Wow! Almost a year and a half. I am going to make this brief...but sortof detailed. I only have a few minutes and I feel like (lately anyway) that if I don't do something as soon as I think of it, it won't get done at all. Thats how it is with journaling online. Violet is running around now (not so much walking!) and to sum up her personality, I would say a giggly copycat. She's always copying everything we do, from our expressions, to how we move our hands, to how we "dance", for example: Dave was explaining something while we were eating breakfast, and he was knocking his knuckles on the counter. Violet started doing the same thing. Then he knocked with both hands, and she followed suit. Every time she copies something, she looks at us to get attention and laughs. She loves kissing. She'll walk up to me and go "mmmmmm!!" and expect a big "muuahhhh" in return. She lately started banging her face into ours very quickly and "kissing" us every single time. She still uses her sign language a lot. She's 32 1/2" tall, and 25-26 lbs. Not sure on the weight...it goes up and down a lot. She likes bananas now. Sometimes she'll eat a whole one as fast as me. Sometimes she'll take one bite and refuse the rest....so I never know how bananas will go over. Anything else I remember, and I'll try come back and post it!

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