Monday, March 12, 2007


Violet and I went swimming at the YMCA this morning with the MOPS group. She had a lot of fun!! She wasn't too crazy about it at first, but she found the shallow steps where you get in and found going up and down them the whole time very fun. She held onto the metal handrail next to the steps too. I swooshed her around in the water, she loved that. I even stood her up on the edge of the pool and she jumped in while I held onto her hands. Every jump caused a big smile to appear on her face and even a giggle! Everyone went to McDonalds afterwards. I got Violet some chicken nuggets and she ate 3 of them (I think). She was so tired out from all the swimming activity (for an hour and a half!) that she fell asleep in the high chair there with a piece of chicken in her mouth! It was so hilarious. Her eyes slowly closed and her head fell to the side. Everyone thought it was so cute. Poor girl...she konked out on the car ride home and then took a long nap at home. We're leaving for Texas to visit Shawn and Kim on Wednesday. The river is supposed to elevate to flood levels, so we're going to prepare the house and leave...and trust God that nothing will happen to our property. All we can do is prepare and pray.

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