Monday, December 04, 2006

kissy lips and first intentional word!?

Today Violet was so cute when I put her down for her first nap. She recently learned how to smack her lips to make a kissy noise. I went into her room and shut the door, and she put her head down on my shoulder like she usually does before a nap. I started rocking her and she started smacking her lips. She lifted her head to look at me, made the kissy lips noise, then laid her head back on my shoulder and smacked her lips again. Ahh it was so sweet. I love the way her cheeks suck in when she's trying to make the noise too. :) Oh, and I'm pretty sure she can say the word Abby. Abby is our dog's name...and every time we are in the bathroom sitting on the potty, I call Abby over to sit with us. Just yesterday and today she starts to say "buhbee!" and today she said "Aaabeee" when Abby comes over. Adorable.

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