Thursday, January 05, 2023

July-Dec 2022 Recap

 Maybe my new year's resolution could be that I blog more?! I need to do a quick recap of the last six months before I dig into 2023.

-Dave went to Drapery School in Texas in the end of July 2022.  

-We visited Butlers in Ohio beginning of August 2022. Always a sweet, fun, encouraging time with these two dear families.

-Violet had her first varsity year of volleyball. 

-Vanessa was in volleyball and basketball.

-Jay visited Labor Day weekend 2022

-Our house got new siding and new roofing (from the fire damage in April 2021) - project wrapped up end of summer 2022

-I had foot surgery beginning of Sept 2022

Life was slow and inconvenient. Life was interesting. I prayed lots for patience and helaing.  

-As I healed up and began walking on my foot around the beginning of October, I became more involved at Budget Blinds, Martha stopped working for us, I trained Theresa for our new office admin.  She's doing amazing. (Nov 2022)

-Calvin got a car in Nov 2022. 2014 Mazda 3 manual shift.  He's doing great.  He has a school permit for now.

-Made an offer on a DBQ property for BB of Dubuque...we close Jan 16, 2023.  Then we renovate!

-We visited Chicago middle of Dec 2022

Vanessa moved to the basement bedroom and Calvin moved to Vanessa's old room so all four have their own rooms now.  Legos moved to Calvin's room and we all worked for a few weeks to organize the legos by color in a new organizing system.  Every square inch of the house is occupied!

-Christmas 2022 happened! We did not travel anywhere - but hosted family events for 3 days.

Every year we think we get the perfect tree, but this one takes the cake.  

Eli was the only kid of ours in the church Christmas program this year!

He played Silent Night on his saxophone with Brock and Ben. I was so proud of him!

family ping pong

Christmas morning stockings

Coco got a treat puzzle

Eli found waldo a time or two

more presents Mon morning

-Dave took the kids hunting at Brook Klunder's fam in southern IA.  Vanessa and Violet both shot a deer.

-Calvin turned 15!

Then we rang in the new year with church friends, and the night of entertainment and confetti were a blast. :D

track suits was the topic of the night

Dave hit a hocket puck between two boards and won some beef jerky

Eli's team dominated table-surfing

what would an event be without a little crap from Gabe. :)

There we go...the big highlights!  Here we come 2023!