Thursday, June 04, 2020

Eli's 8th birthday

Eli's birthday in pics!  He chose waffles, PBJs and ranch doritos, and baked oatmeal for his meals.

Eli's baked treat choice was frosted sugar cookies.  He made two of them look like a #8.

We headed to the bike ramps park for was so so hot so we didn't stay too long.

A rainbow appeared while he opened gifts!

Eli had a joke to tell me today.  He said a statement something like "I tripped while I tried to go hug mom" and then he'd say "I took a trip to get there." 
That is his attempt at creating a play on the word trip...super cute.

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Vanessa and Eli (10 and 8) combined birthday party with family

My parents, Mama Row, and Rachel and Brian came over to help us celebrate the kid's birthdays together.  It's always a fun time.  They requested cheeseburgers, Mama Row brought cheese-covered veggies, and along side we served up fruit and chips.  My friend Alex with Balm's Bakery made an incredible oreo cake.

earlier that day we went to visit A Place to Play park - which had been closed since March and just reopened June 1st because of the pandemic.  The world is beginning to reopen distancing of course!

Mama Row supplied the amazing sparkling candles!

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Vanessa's 10th birthday

I just realized how long it's been since writing anything here.  *sigh* So much has happened.'s time for a recap on Vanessa's 10th birthday.

She requested strawberry macaroons so I had my friend Alex with Balm's Bakery bake some up

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, we are not handling group kid parties, so we let Vanessa invite a friend over from 10-3.  They had fun! We had to call 4 different stores to see if any blow-up pools were in stock, and found ONE.  Last one on the shelf.

mac 'n cheese, carrots and grapes for the birthday lunch

Kara was kind to bring her a plush craft gift and a cool singing card.

She chose O.P. Pizza for supper.  They made her a 9" personal pepperoni pizza.

Calvin gave her a gift card to amazon - this is the thank you hug

Violet got her a cool sleeping mask

these are "the girls" now

I'd say she had a great day.