Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 2017

My new method of blogging is "try to keep up with photos" so I'm looking through my pictures where I left off and will attempt to give a decent review of "what's up" in each month.  The following features October of 2017!

This was "crazy hair night" apparently at Awana.  She was the perfect candidate for "back-combing".


implementation of jobs to do around the house daily 

appreciating the tiny water droplets on the grass!

we helped Rachel with her "decorate the pumpkin" competition at her office - she made a giant gumball machine out of hers.

one of Eli's tomatoes from his plant that Mama Row helped him care for.

thanking the people who let us use their garden space for tomatoes

fall fire!

Grandma Dee visited!

banana splits :)
 Decorating pumpkins
Vanessa's inspiration was Miraculous

the railings went up! Successful project!

I can't get over how bright these leaves are

Dave's halloween costume ON Eli the dinosaur.  Weirdness.

a glimpse of my Bible study notes as I followed Paul on one of his missionary journeys

random October pic

trick or treating crew.  Elmores joined us.

Dave attempting to drink out of his cup with his costume....oh the hilarity!