Monday, October 17, 2016

October 2016 (and a pic of Violet's baptism)

Time for another picture-post!

sometimes a killer sunset just needs to be photographed, even though it captures just a tiny glimpse of the original beauty of seeing it with your own eyes

Miss Violet got baptized by her dad - showing publicly she has put her faith and trust in Jesus Christ as her Savior

Mama Row got all the cousins together.  Only Christy was missing from the Hardinger cousins!


Mama Row takes the kids to the library every Thursday afternoon.  She's amazing and the kids love going on outings with her.

She's a born-teacher - can't help but provide some sort of fun lesson along with their trips.

I was blessed to have fun/fellowship/teaching on the topic of prayer over a women's retreat weekend.  It was held in the Retreat Center at Riverview the weekend of Sept 17-18, 2016.  

Kim and I had the privilege and responsibility of leading the other women in worship with music.  This is Emily Dempster giving her testimony and shared that a song sung in worship at Bethany one Sunday is what the Lord used to speak to her heart and caused behavior change.  This was so encouraging.

I attended a Peruvian cooking class with Mama Row one evening and we cooked a quinoa dish, ceviche, and grilled pineapple with nuts.

Our mailbox flowers - zinnias and petunias!  Calvin helped me arrange them by saying "just put the tall ones in the back!"

Calvin is LOVING how to learn write cursive!  He's so good at it.

Cedar River flooded and we went to look at it.  A couple feet lower than the record set in 2008, but still impressive.

work on our basement is making progress!

Vanessa is becoming quite the little reader!

Eli - flying his blue airplane out of the window of the jeep.

counter tops going in!

Calvin came along with me to pick up Eli from preK - and always brings along something Eli loves - in this case, "Dot table, Foxie, and Woofie"

Vanessa's drawing of Rahab and the scarlet cord that helped save her life when the Israelites attacked Jericho.

Eli sporting Calvin's flat-brimmed hat Dave got for him on his recent one day trip to Chicago.  I hear it is a good year for the Cubs.


Grandma Jo warming up the kids for a fun time at the gym before their dental appointments.

Eli loved this game in the waiting room at Grandpa Jon's office.

Um, this is Dave's halloween costume.  He got it to go along with "one color night" at Awana that is coming up.  

Grandma Jo also taught the kids how to fold paper into frogs.  They made a whole colony!

Just a snap of Eli "doing airplane" on my feet.

pumpkin pie for breakfast?! Sure! My mom used to give me pumpkin dessert for breakfast when it was leftover.  I can still taste the buttered toasted pecans soaked in whipped cream....mmmm

Violet was gifted a sweet dress from grandma Jo!

Calvin rarely wears a shirt while working on school work...I wonder if this will continue through the winter?