Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Vanessa's cardboard art

We couldn't find decent paper to paint on so we cut up a cardboard box. She painted girls, a mermaid, and some black ants. Can't keep everything so I'm capturing a photo on the blog. Good watercolor, Vanessa!

Monday, May 04, 2015

Vanessa is learning how to play mancala

She is getting the concept of moving the beads around and recently won against me after losing twice.  While playing this morning, I distributed my beads and landed one away from one of her pods where she had planned her next move.  She said, "Oh phew! Oh wait. I'm SO phew! Wait! I'm SO PHEWFED!"  (pronounced like fewfftt)  She was correcting her speaking and wanted to use "phew" in past tense.  haha!!