Thursday, November 29, 2012

A typical day - November 2012

I feel like I've been at a loss for things to blog about.  For the sake of a new entry, I'll type out a "typical day" for my  sake so in a year, I can look back and read what I did a year ago.  This is something I think I'll never forget, but I know I will.  So boring as it is, sometimes the mundane is interesting enough.
I can't remember what last year was like that much unless I stop and think REALLY hard. :)  Violet had started kindergarten, Calvin had started Tues/Thurs preschool with Miss Jesse at OHCP, Vanessa was just over a year old, and I found out I was pregnant with baby #4.  This year, Violet is in 1st grade with Miss Schoonhoven, Calvin is in M, W, F preschool with Miss Knapp (the best preschool teacher ever!), Vanessa is about 2 1/2 and potty trained (for the most part!), and Eli is almost 5 months old.

My alarm is set for 7:15 am.  I roll out of bed and (by this time Dave has gotten up, usually, and has showered) help get Violet off to school.  Calvin is already awake by this time, either he's snuggled up in bed with me, or he's in the bathroom with Dave.  He is such an early riser, wakes up easily, and is generally very cheerful and happy to be awake (dragging his blue blanket everywhere he goes).  I think he takes after...nobody.  Dave and I are so groggy in the mornings (why do you think we're complete coffee addicts???).  Dave usually gets Violet up, helps her dress for school, and brings her downstairs.  I have Violet's breakfast ready (usually cold cereal or oatmeal, sometimes reheated pancakes or eggs on toast), and then Dave eats.  I pack up Violet's lunch (she likes PB&J most of the time, along with a combination of some of these things: yogurt, cheese sticks, carrot sticks and ranch dip, cheesy chip, applesauce, 1/2 of a banana, or other fresh fruit cut up and her Hello Kitty straw sippy of milk or water), she gets her shoes on and gets in the car.  Sometimes Calvin gets fed, sometimes not.  He usually eats cereal if he has time.  They can be so goofy and silly in the mornings, it is hard to keep them "on track" doing things with out being distracted or playing around, there isn't much time in the AMs to do this...) Calvin has wanted to ride with Dave and Violet to take her to school in the mornings more this year - almost every day he rides along with her.  Last year not so much.  Dave enjoys parking the car and walking in with her, dropping her off at her locker, etc.  Calvin likes seeing everything too.  The 3 of then have a habit of taking turns praying after they go around "the curve", which is the roundabout on the drive to WCS.  I like when they all take off in the morning after the breakfast rush so I can eat breakfast alone, make coffee and go take a shower in silence.  Vanessa and Eli are usually still asleep at this time, so I take time for devotions too.  Occasionally Eli will be crying but I'll leave him or get him, depending on how hard he's crying.  If its a quiet whimper, I leave him, if he's loudly crying, I'll get him. 

By the time I get with my bathroom routine by 8:15, Vanessa is calling from her crib, "Mommmeeee.....mommmeeeee......"  I go in, get her out of bed, take her to the bathroom and change her out of her nighttime diaper to undies for the day.  She sometimes pees, but 9 out of 10 times, she goes poop right away in the morning.  Calvin and Dave get home from taking Violet to school, Calvin finds me in either the bathroom or helping Vanessa get out of bed.  He begs me to play Angry Birds on my Kindle Fire.  I ask him to finish his "8 things"...which is a list of things they need to do in their bedroom on a daily basis. 
1. Get dressed
2. Put pajamas away
3. Turn off butterfly lamp.
4. Make beds
5. Open shades
6. Close closet
7. Turn off light
8. Turn off fan

He enthusiastically RUNS to his room to accomplish everything.  He can't read all that proficiently so he has memorized all of the tasks.  He rushes downstairs and announces that they're all done, and I let him play (if he's eaten breakfast, if not, he eats first) for 20 or 30 minutes.  I set a timer for when he is to stop, and he finishes playing whatever level he's in at that moment and then stops.  He LOVES Angry Birds.  He thinks about the game all day, and constantly talks about the birds and what birds are his favorite, and what each bird does.  The dragon level on angry birds seasons seems to be his favorite right now.  When he's done playing his "however many minutes"...he's done for the day.  He seems to know that is his "allotment" and never asks again for the rest of the day.

(This "typical day" I'm writing is either a Tues or a Thurs morning, because he has preschool M, W and F from 9:00-11:30 am.  Every other Thursday we go to BBC because mommy has Bible Study from 9-11, then we eat lunch with our friends at the church building.)

Once Vanessa and Eli are awake, my attention is mostly on those two.  Eli wakes up and I change his diaper immediately and sit down on the couch to nurse him.  He gets his fill and is completely satisfied for a couple hours.  He is SO smiley.  He is so happy.  I can tickle him gently and he breaks into a big smile, chuckles, giggles and laughs quickly.  He's starting to be occupied for longer periods of time by himself on the floor, only able to use his arms to rotate himself in a circle on the floor.  I surround him with baby toys and that usually lasts him 20-30 minutes.  He gets frustrated if left alone for too long...but Calvin is always willing and ready to lay down on the floor right next to him and roll around with him or give him toys that aren't in his reach.  Eli likes CARDBOARD, plastic keys, any baby toy, just basically anything he can shove in his mouth and knaw on for awhile.  He's getting quite heavy...close to 20 lbs.  Calvin used to pick him up with ease, but now he picks him up for a few seconds, and says "UGH! You're HEAVY!" and lays him back down.  Eli rolls easily both directions, and usually completely fills his diaper with in 10-15 minutes after his first feeding.  He also spits up a lot.  If bent in half (sitting position on my lap) after a feeding a a burp, a big splat of spit up will end up wherever he is...on my shoulder, lap, or the carpet.  Vanessa loves to announce that Eli spit up.  

Vanessa has usually eaten by now.  She likes cold cereal, oatmeal (MUST have raisins), or a bagel with cream cheese.  She's a light eater, grazing throughout the day, not eating a huge quantity of food in one meal.  It always seems like an hour after breakfast, she's running to the kitchen digging for a fork saying "eat! eat!".  She gets yogurt, fruit, cheese, grapes, raisins, or a piece of toast with peanut butter for a snack.  If she is hungry she will usually grab the jar of peanut butter and bring it to me.

Calvin and Vanessa are developing quite a relationship.  Since both kids have grown up quite a bit, they are starting to play a lot more together.  I think they are the two kids that seem to know exactly how to tick each other off the best.  Vanessa is constantly getting into whatever Calvin is doing.  And he knows exactly what to take from her to make her scream.  They sometimes get lost in some toys together in the basement (if Calvin is cheerful enough and plays nicely with her).  They enjoy playing in the tub together.  Vanessa seems to be enjoying a brave streak in the water lately.  I think this stemmed from one morning she woke up and needed a bath because of a leaky pee accident, and got the privilege of taking a bath ALONE.  Which rarely happens for her.  I put a couple inches of water in the tub that time and she got on her tummy and thoroughly enjoyed the water.  Normally she whines her way through a bath, because Violet and Calvin are too splashy/crazy for her.

Soo...the morning rolls on.  Calvin reads books, plays with toys, sometimes watches a Netflix video, flicks rubber bands across the house, blows up balloons, plays songs on the clavinova, colors, draws, works his way through puzzles, etc.  If I print a picture for him, he chooses rockets, crabs, and race cars.  Vanessa just wants Dora.  Vanessa likes to watch Dora the Explorer sometimes, she likes to color too, and will draw circles all over paper, and sometimes a "sun", which is a circle with pointy things coming out from it.  She needs to be supervised (or at least I need to know what she is doing at all times) all the time.  She goes upstairs to get her toothbrush and puts toothpaste on it and brushes her teeth, plays with Violet's doll house, changes her underwear all the time, goes potty on her own and doesn't wipe or clean up all that well so I do it for her, changes her pants/clothes (loves wearing "coats" which are zip up sweatshirts and her sweatshirt with a pocket in the front).  Most days around the house she is wearing a shirt and only underwear.  She still insists on taking off her pants/undies every time she goes potty and can't put them back on the right way, so sometimes I just see her in a shirt and nothing else parts of the day, then I have to find her undies (wherever she dropped them in the house) and help her put them back on. 

Eli always goes down for a morning nap about an hour and a half or two hours after waking up.  This is becoming predictable and I love it.  He doesn't need to nurse before this nap, because his first feeding on both sides really fills him up.  He loves his paci and his muslin swaddling blankets to snuggle with.  I put him in the pack n play crib in the dark guest room with a fan, and he snuggles right into his blankets and goes right to sleep.  He usually sleeps an hour and a half, sometimes 2 hours.  He sleeps from approx 10 am to 11:30 or noon. 

This is a usual schedule if I make no extra outings.  Typically there will be a trip to the bank, the library, grocery store, or any other errands I need to run sometime in the morning. I like to save the bigger run-around errands for when I am down to 2 kids on the mornings Calvin is in school.

Vanessa and Calvin eat lunch and play more.  Blocks in the basement, trains, tinker toys, stacking blocks, etc...Vanessa takes a nap around 2 pm, which works out perfectly if Dave is home (working in the basement), so she sleeps while I go pick up Violet from school at 3 pm.  Calvin always comes with me to get her.  He requests songs when we are driving, either 10,000 Reasons (he says "Bless the Lord"), Technologic by Daft Punk, or The Color Song by Petra.  When I pick up Violet from school, if we have time, I let the kids play at the playground at her school for about 20-30 minutes.   Violet and her friends like to play tag or hide and seek.  Calvin blends in with the friends sometimes, other times he goes off and does his own thing. 

On the drive home, the kids are either fighting horribly, or getting along so well they are in regular fits of uncontrollable laughter.  I don't know how to predict which way it will end up.  I find if I play music they both enjoy, they will stay happy.  If fighting, its probably because Calvin is really tired and should have taken a nap (1 out of 5 days he will fall asleep in the Van while driving to go pick up Violet), and Violet knows every little button to push on Calvin to make him mad. 

Violet and Calvin usually play when she gets home from school.  Her 1st grade homework consists of practicing her 10 spelling words for the week, Bible verse, and a sheet of writing and/or 20 minutes of independent reading.  She started piano too, so that takes either Dave or I to work with her for 20 minutes.  They still love to color, work on puzzle buzz, activity books.  Vanessa wakes up by 4 pm.  She plays around, colors some.  Eli naps again.  I work on making dinner.

Dave tries to come up at a regular time every day by 5:45.  We eat dinner, I usually commit to cleaning up the main floor (dishes, wiping down table, dishwasher, sweeping, caring for Eli), while Dave heads upstairs to get the kids to bed.  We try start the bedtime routine by 7:00 pm, it takes about an hour, so they are sleeping by 8:00-8:15.  If they need baths, sometimes we cut play time short after dinner and head straight for the tub.  Dave is GREAT with the kids and is an amazing helper when he can.  He brushes their teeth, directs them to put pajamas on/go to the bathroom...gets Vanessa to bed, and starts Violet and Calvin's Bible story time and book time.  They are currently reading through the Bible and the kids LOVE it!!

I join them all when the kitchen is cleaned up, and pray with the kids and say goodnight.  All is usually well by 8:30...and then Eli needs tending to. :)  He tends to nap later and goes to bed by 9:00 or 9:30. 

Dave and I sometimes sit down for a minute....I am usually flipping laundry.  My mental list of "to dos" start flying ... because I finally have peace and quiet.  To sit down and relax...and enjoy hanging out with my husband...or do I scurry around and GET STUFF DONE?!??!  That's always the question of the night.  I feel so "tangled" with kids all day that I feel like I can't accomplish anything "big" other than the necessary bare minimum sometimes.  Laundry is a bear.  I fold 5 huge loads every couple days and it takes another couple days for the clean clothes to end up back in the closets.  I have finances to catch up on.  Organizing.  Reading my Bible.  Menu planning.  List making.  Grocery shopping.  Husband-bonding.  TALK to husband!  What's on the schedule for tomorrow?  House-cleaning. Floor-sweeping.  Shopping for-anything-else-the-kids-need (clothes!). Preschool snacks to plan and purchase. Calendar to manage.  Check schedule.  When are library books due?  Meeting to attend.  When is that school program again and when do they have to be there? Wash diapers. Chat with friends? Siblings? Does the house have enough toilet paper? Check supply of milk. Go.type a blog entry. Respond to a few texts or emails.  Pack diaper bag so it is ready next time I go out.  Want to start exercising to make that happen.  I love sweatpants. And my hair is always up.  So if you witness me in jeans and my hair isn't in a ponytail, I dressed up for ya.  :). The list goes on and on.  My mind spins....I get overwhelmed.   Can't really even comprehend Christmas shopping.  I think I'm going to boycott gift-giving this year.  Give of my attention/time/energy...not material things. 

Ok..its super late.  I need to go to bed!  And start this all over again.  My quiver is full.  I'm happy!!!  And I'm so BUSY!!  and some days are hard! I love my family so much!!!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Aldi is Calvin's favorite store...

I pulled the van into Aldi's parking lot and Calvin says, "Oh I LOVE this store!" I ask him why and he says, "because its all orange inside and I love orange!".

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Oven blunder

I screwed up today with the oven.  Our larger oven has a setting where it circulates air to help thaw out meat.  Before we left this morning, I tossed some chicken breasts from the freezer into a 9x13 pan and put it in the oven and set it to the "thaw" mode.  At least I thought I had set it on the thaw mode.  But I didn't.  Instead, the dial was turned to one notch further than it should have been, which was some type of convection cooking mode.  This oven is really nice, but not exactly intuitive, and requires reading of the manual to understand all the features and what the knob pictures mean.  I am not surprised I flipped the knob to the wrong feature.  I have used this thaw feature before and it was really slick.  Another knob that sets the temperature of the oven was set to "off", and I thought only this circulating air fan was running.  My plan to was to grill the chicken for lunch using a special glaze Dave and I picked up in Galena a while ago.

Well...that plan didn't happen.  Apparently this convection feature it was accidentally on made the oven super hot somehow.  It was left like this from 9-12:30.  We got home from BBC and Violet was the first one to enter the house (no surprise there).  She opened the door a crack, got a stunned and disgusted look at her face which quickly turned to terror, and started yelling "THE HOUSE IS SMOKEY!" Calvin was right behind her and started yelling too.  Violet and Calvin proceeded to dramatically plug their noses and lament at the awful smell coming from the house.  Vanessa and Eli were still buckled in the van.  Dave and I ran in the house and were about knocked over from the smell.  We discovered the oven smoking from all crevices and the top half of the main floor saturated with smoke you couldn't see through.  The smoke alarms were beeping loudly and it felt like mayhem for a few moments.  Dave got hot pads and put the pan on the deck, I shut off the oven, and started fanning the fire alarm to get it to stop beeping. 

The raw chicken that once was had turned into a solidified 9x13 pan of CRISPY BLACKNESS.  Dave ran around the house to open up every single window - the garage doors were opened, doors opened, and a big fan plugged into in the kitchen to get the smoke moving out. 

Oh my are we thankful the house didn't burn down.

We left the doors/windows open and the fan running for a good hour, and we all started to feel very cold.  I was thinking about a back up plan for lunch and instead, Dave suggested we just leave the house for awhile and go somewhere for lunch and let the house air out for awhile.  No question there...we headed to the mall to get some pizza and came home with a couple of yummy smelling peppermint twist candles.  It was better when we got home, but very cold.  We shut the windows, turned the heat back up, lit the candles, and all seemed to be a little better.  Later in the day I made a pan of baked oatmeal with cinnamon/sugar in the smaller easier-to-use oven and that made the house smell yummy to...the baked oatmeal was supper.

This is a pic of the black a whole new meaning to "blackened chicken" if you ask me!

Dave thinks the pan can be revived, I do not.  We picked out the larger chunks of black stuff and have it soaking with hot water and Dawn right now. 

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Pic of all 4 kids smiling at the same time!

This type of moment is rare in this house.  And to snap a picture of it?!  Priceless!

Violet, Calvin and Vanessa were involved in some kind of balloon tunnel construction and "sat down to take a break".  I saw them sitting there, grabbed my camera, and stuck Eli in Violet's arms.  I said "smile!!" and amazingly...caught it on camera. 

Eli looks so "sly" with one eye blinking. 

Friday, November 02, 2012

Violet starting piano lessons

I really thought I blogged about this, but I looked a few posts back and realized I didn't.  We have wanted to get her started with piano lessons but what held me back was finding the right set up.  Violet had been asking about learning piano lately and wanting to get started too.  We have explained to her that practicing every day is part of the deal.  I didn't want to drive her somewhere, and wait for 30 minutes with the 3 other kids somewhere.  I thought about having someone come to the house to teach her (like I was used to since that's how it was when I grew up part of the time), but trying to create an atmosphere for her and the teacher to concentrate w/o distractions seemed like an impossibility.
I was chatting with some other WCS parents outside near the playground a few weeks ago after picking up Violet and asked if they knew anybody who taught piano lessons at WCS.  Someone mentioned a teacher named Mrs. Jan Seeley, and suggested asking the school office if she still taught and if she did, if she had openings.  I called the school office on the way home from school that day and the secretary said with confidence that yes, she still teaches, and yes, she had openings.  I got Mrs. Seeley's email address and sent her a message with a few questions when I got home that day.  She quickly and enthusiastically responded saying yes, she would love to start teaching Violet.  She also mentioned that some teachers work it out so they can go take piano lessons DURING school hours.  That seemed way...really!?  How convenient and perfect!!!  After a few email exchanges between Mrs. Seeley and Violet's teacher, Miss Schoonhoven, we worked it out so Violet can take lessons on Tuesdays from 10:30-11:00am.  This is during an hour in her 1st grade class when the class splits into two reading groups - one reads with the teacher for 30 minutes and the other group reads independently.  Miss Schoonhoven said that is a great time for her to miss class for 30 minutes since she is a good reader and if she wanted her to get any extra work done at home that would be sent home in her folder.
I am sure the Lord worked out that conversation with the other parents - it was among some parents that I normally don't cross paths with.
So far she's had 3 lessons, and the Bastien Basics material (talk about flashback, those are the books I started with so many years ago!) has covered finger numbers, left hand/right hand, black keys, low and high, quarter and half notes, stems on the notes, the music alphabet, bar lines, measures, double bar lines, repeat symbols, whole notes, and a handful of songs she can read/play already.
She has a brain that seems to pick up on the concepts quickly, counting the right length of counts per note and using the correct hand and correct finger numbers for each note.  She has a tendency to memorize what she has to play once she learns it, and "just plays it" with out looking.

7 Quiet Nights

I presented a challenge to my kids...well...the older two.  They currently share a room.  Dave and I (and I'm sure the kids were too) were tired of disciplining them in a negative way (spankings) every. single. night. for goofing around and talking after tucking them in to bed at night.  They know the expectation, and that is to stay in their beds and not talk.  No asking for drinks of water, etc.  I don't know the exact reason why it was so hard for them to stay quiet.

I decided to change my approach and motivate them in a positive way.  And it worked wonderfully.  I told them that they would get a trip to Chuck E. Cheese if they managed to stay in their beds at night and be quiet and no talking, for seven straight nights.  I emphasized to them that it had to be 7 nights IN A ROW, and if they goofed around even one night, that would mess it up and they would have to start back over at 1 and try for 7 more nights in a row being quiet.  They both understood, they were both very excited, and proved to me they could do it.  I told them this was going to be a team effort, since they BOTH had to be quiet TOGETHER, so both of them were also motivated to not mess it up for the other person and be blamed for screwing it up.  I really didn't expect them to do it...but the first night, I told them I was going to leave their door open so I could listen to them.  I listened, and heard nothing.  I don't think they even flopped in their beds, they laid so quiet and still.  On the chart I had created and put in the hallway by their bedroom door, I put a "perfect" sticker on the first night's box, looked at the other 6 nights and wondered how the rest of the week would go.   The next morning they both woke up, saw the sticker on the first box, and cheered like they won the lottery.  I congratulated them on their first successful night and so it went...6 more quiet nights.  No goofing around...nothing.  The chart filled up with stickers, and they couldn't wait to go!

So the prize they won was a night to play at Chuck E. Cheese.  We went yesterday, Thursday night. We got some pizza for supper, 100 tokens to split (Vanessa was just in on the action and had no clue she won anything...) and they enjoyed a fun night playing games, collecting tickets, and redeeming them for a little prize at the end.

The funniest (and probably most humiliating!), was when we lost track of Vanessa for a short time, and I found her sitting at someone else's table chowing down on their pizza.  Nobody noticed or said anything, but Dave and I felt pretty bad and got a pretty good laugh out of it.  She got pretty upset when I took it away from her, so we re-directed her to our own table and our own leftover pizza for her to eat. 

I don't know what is next in terms of positively motivating them.  They are looking forward to a new chart to work towards something.  Going to Chuck E. Cheese was probably overkill for a prize...and too expensive to do again for another I guess we'll have to come up with something.  Maybe $1 for 14 days of quiet nights....and a trip to the dollar tree. :)

Either way, bedtime since then has been very easy.  The "getting ready for bed" is still a bit wild...getting everybody's teeth brushed, making sure everybody has gone pee, and getting pajamas on (there has to be some type of rotation/schedule to follow...its just crazy), then reading books, all while tending to a generally fussy Eli at that time of night.  Dave is super helpful and does most of the bedtime work too.  But the kids have maintained their state of being quiet once we tuck them into their beds, and we leave the door open so they know we can hear them.  It seems to be working for the time being anyway.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Vanessa and her words

She has plenty to say but not too much is easy to understand.  Here are some examples of words she means to say but some out sounding differently:
Hug = hud
Pocket = pee-pah
Apple = app-oh
Sticker = stee-dee
Jesus = Dee-dah
Elmo = Melmo
Shoes = hu-ha (shoes on)
Fish = hish
Undies = unnees
Vanessa = Nessa or hessa or Yessa
Heavy = heddy
Flush = waf
Lid = yid
Legos = day-doh
Granola bar = bee-bah
Sleeve = weef
She likes say "c'mon!!" and drag me places.  She easily gets excited about going places and eating certain things and responds with a very enthusiastic "woohoo!!".
She has also enjoyed her "Jesus loves me" stuffed animal that sings, puzzles, coloring, having books read to her, hooking things together, scribbling on paper, putting on shoes, coats, and mittens all throughout the day, riding the inside trike (she figured out how to pedal and steer), the big big teddy bear, and getting m&ms for a poppy prize (pronounced "poopy hize") when she goes #2 in the toilet.  She has done excellent with potty training.  In undies during the day with almost zero accidents now, although she wets when she is napping and overnight.  I put a pair of training undies on her when out of the house just in case.  When using the toilet she insists on taking everything off to go (can't leave the pants around her ankles or legs at all or she won't go), so to avoid pants laying all over the house, I just don't put them on her at home. 

update on Vanessa (12/19/2012):

New words:

- mad! (if she sees something or a person with a what-seems-like-a-mad face)
- annoying!