Saturday, July 26, 2008


Tonight as we were tucking Violet into bed, Dave playfully slapped me on the rear end. Violet noticed and she said "Daddy! What you doing?" He said "I slapped mama on the butt." She said, "mama not obey?" We couldn't help but bust out laughing. She said "Oh, let me do it." and she slapped my butt. Calvin is crawling all over the place. He just wants to walk, often putting his feet under his body and straightening his legs. He is getting steadier (but he's still very wobbly) when he "stands" up and holds onto something. His 2 teeth are coming in more. He's enjoying more and more food. He likes baby food, any kind. Fruit, veggies, baby cereal. Today he dissolved some cheerios in his mouth and Dave gave him little bits of corn bread at Nathan's birthday party. He babbles "mama, mama, mama" over and over again. He also blows air out his lips all the time.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

things to remember

Violet usually wakes up now and started yelling, "mama! mama! I'm awake now!! Mama! Marriiiiiaaa!" She still won't get out of bed on her own. I think she feels held captive by her bed and still calls for us to come get her out of bed. Somehow she learned "pretty please?" Not sure where that came from. The other morning she was cuddling for just a split second in bed when she sat up, looked at us in bed, turned her head to the side and crossed her arms and said "I want daddy get out of bed. I want daddy get Violet food!" haha!! She was a hungry girl! Calvin was a little smiler at his 6 month pictures today. He was grinning from ear to ear. I'm so happy! I got some great pictures. Jay came with me to get the pictures taken while Violet napped. Calvin is starting to be more and more responsible to adult interaction. While Jay and I were sitting at the mall eating lunch Calvin was sitting in the stroller next to us. He started wiggling his head side to side because I think the nylon stroller behind his head was fun to rub his head on. I noticed he was rubbing his head side to side and I smiled and mimicked him moving my own head side to side. He noticed I was doing that, smiled, and moved his head side to side in response. So cute! We did that back and forth a few times.