Tuesday, March 25, 2008

it was a phase

Bedtime drama has become a phase. She's no longer screaming...but she's always reluctant to go to bed. She demands tons of kisses and hugs and crys sometimes, but not nearly as bad as before. Violet is nearly potty trained now! It seems ever since we started praying with her, thanking God for helping her pee and poop on the potty, she likes to use the toilet. She is in underwear most of the time now - and she nearly 100% of the time tells me she has to go. She had an accident today during her nap. I went down to her room when I heard her wake up and she said "uh oh! all wet!" Calvin is a little smiler. He's turning into a pretty pleasant baby. He definitely still has his screaming/fussing moments. He wakes up at night once or twice to eat and sometimes goes back to sleep in his basinette (higher part of the pack and play), but sometimes he needs to stay in bed with me. He sleeps next to me in bed for the last 1/2 of the night pretty well too. Violet is learning so many new concepts lately. Her favorites: 1 blanket, 2 blankets. Upside down Other side Other way Turn in a circle Jump! Bounce! Dance! the entire alphabet A says "ah", B says "Buh", etc. She can do lots of the letters. Identifying some letters (IOWA shirt, for example)

Sunday, March 02, 2008

ugh, bedtime has become a nightmare

Like the flip of a switch, Violet is all of a sudden TERRIFIED to go to bed. She freaks out when I put her down for a nap and freaks out even more when its time for bed. She makes up a million excuses to not have to go to bed. She's always been my happy-to-go-to-sleep and sleep-through-the-night girl since birth, so this is scaring me a little. She demands me to lay down with her. She uses my first name! She says "Maria! lay down pillow!!!!" over and over and over and calms down the moment my head hits the pillow next to her. If I get up and leave before she completely falls asleep, she gets out of bed and screams bloody murder til I come back. I have to wait til she's completely asleep to leave the room. I can't keep doing this!!