Monday, February 25, 2008


Picture this scene. Violet isn't wearing any underwear or diapers because I'm getting her to pee on the toilet. I'm holding Calvin and nursing him standing up. We are both standing by the sliding glass patio doors watching the snow fall. The UPS guy walks up to deliver a package and sees me nursing Calvin and then sees Violet with just a t-shirt on. He quickly dropped the package by the door and walked away quickly. I wonder who was more embarassed!!!!???? Aghhh!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Violet's latest

I love how she says this: "Where is it? Oh, oh, here it is!" when she's looking for something. "Where is it ball? Oh, oh, here it is ball!" She's also got "me" and "you" mixed up. She says "hold you!" if she wants us to hold her and "help me" if she wants you to help her. :) Wonder when that will get straightened out?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

She's doing quite well in her big girl bed!

She's officially out of her crib and into the queen size bed in her room. She's been sleeping great! Only the first few times did she get up and try get out of naptime, but we put her right back and she stays. She's sleeping well from 8 pm to 8 am (a general guideline...). Sometimes she'll sleep even longer.
She still sleeps with her little yellow pillow, the pink and purple blankets, another flowery blanket, green monkey, buddy bear (ba-bil-ow), and Elmo. The other day we caught her sleeping in her bed smashed in the corner against the wall.
At her 2 year checkup, she was 35" tall and 29 lbs.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Calvin's first smiles

Calvin is starting to smile now! He's 6 weeks old. I've been too busy to sit down and type anything. He's gaining weight fast and is sleepin *decent* at night. He'll go for a 4-5 (sometimes even a 6) hour stretch, feed, and sometimes go right back to sleep. He's a lot more gassy of a baby than Violet was! He burps and farts so much more. He also takes a paci - he loves to suck!
We finally got the kid's bedroom switched. Since Dave moved his office to the basement, we painted that room and made it Violet's. She's sleeping in the queen size bed. Calvin has new bedding and moved into her old room with the crib and the changing table.
Dave has a funny story from this morning that he told me about. Last night was Violet's first whole night sleeping in her big queen bed. I think she slept in it the whole night, I'm not sure. Dave came back in the house after having coffee with Eric this morning, and he walked into find Violet standing in the middle of the living room, clutching her blankets. She had woken up on her own, pulled the towel off the window in her room (don't have window coverings up yet!), and walked out into the house by herself. I was still sleeping through this! How funny. We're onto the next stage in her life when she can do almost everything by herself. Next stage of life is potty-training....oh my!