Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Cervical pain

I have been feeling so much pain in/on/near my cervix this pregnancy. I never experienced this when I was pregnant with Violet. I am HOPING that is it is a good sign that I'll efface and dilate - since I've been going to the chiropractor this pregnancy, maybe my muscles are looser? I don't know. Just wanted to document that. :) I'm 4 weeks away from meeting our next baby!!!

fush! fush! fush!

Violet is obsessed with flushing the toilet. When she poos on the potty - or if I go, or if Dave goes, or for that matter, if ANYBODY goes on the potty, she notices and insists on flushing. The first time she got to do it, she would have a royal meltdown with screaming and crying if she was unable to flush - but after a few days, she realized she wasn't going to be allowed to flush for every single person in the house. We're at Grandma Martha's house for Thanksgiving this year in Chicago. The big meal is at Uncle Roger and Aunt Mary's in Naperville tomorrow.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hep mama! Hep mama!

Violet has really been obsessed with helping lately. She says "hep mama! Hep mama! Hep mama!" if I'm doing something in the we pull up a chair, she stands on it, and "helps" me measure out things, pour stuff into bowls, and basically plays in the drawer that has all the measuring cups/spoons in it. It really slows down my progress, but I don't mind unless I'm trying to MAKE progress baking for the shop or something. She isn't allowed in the kitchen when I'm bakin'. But this morning we made pancakes, and she helped measuring all the ingredients...the flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, milk, oil, and even cracked the egg. She squeezed it with all her might and got her hands all eggy, but miraculously, no shell fell in! So, I went with it. She even ate 2 pancakes and got a kick out me flipping them from side to side.

Tonight she insisted on helping Dave assemble the casserole we planned for supper. She repeats everything he says! Its sooo cute!