Thursday, November 30, 2006

Violet took her first steps on Nov. 28, 06

Just a week past 10 months, Violet took her first steps. She walked 6 steps toward me and Dave caught it all on video tape. Yay! It was so cute. :)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Today Violet is 10 months old

Violet has figured out how to stand on her own now. All that experimenting with letting go while holding onto things is paying off. This is a picture of her doing it for practically the first time. She is 10 months old today. She just cut one of her top teeth last week, its coming in pretty far, with the other top three just behind. She's been so cranky and difficult this week. She is showing a preference for her dad lately. I know its just a phase she's going through. I can't put her down for a nap or at night without her screaming...but she lays her head down comfortably on Dave's shoulder. I'm glad he's around to do that for me because its easier on everyone in the house. She has no fear of Abby, our dog. She just started laying her head down on Abby's back like she's cuddling up to her...its so cute. Abby is at best tolerating it. She sometimes will get up in a huff and go lay down somewhere else so Violet won't bother her.

She also just started climbing up the stairs a couple weeks ago. It doesn't take her long to get up all 14 steps.